3 Reasons Why Coffee Helps You Lose Weight

It is generally known that coffee is healthy for you and it contains a high amount of antioxidants. However, many people ask if this same thing can do the same for those who are trying to lose weight. The answer is a big "YES!" Because caffeine is an ingredient found in coffee, it does aid weight loss in many ways. The same is true for any type of tea or other beverage with caffeine.

It is believed that there are certain ingredients found in coffee that are responsible for its ability to work as a weight loss aid. Researchers have studied the effects of caffeine on the body. They have come up with a list of these ingredients that contain caffeine: phenols, tyramine, flavonoids, catechins, nonbensulfated hydroxycatechins, caffeic acid, and others. These ingredients seem to work synergistically in the body to produce weight loss. Let us take a closer look at some of these.

Phenol: This is a phenol that is found in the lower grades of coffee. Phenol has been found to stimulate the central nervous system. When ingested, it creates a feeling of being full. After consuming one tablespoon of Greek yogurt, a similar effect is experienced.

Tyramine: Some of the more bitter tasting phenols are found in the black coffee. This is why people who drink black coffee are asked if coffee cleanses their system. A major component of black coffee is tyramine. Therefore, drinking coffee can cleanse the system but in very small amounts. Therefore, if you are using a coffee cleanse to lose weight, it would be advisable to replace the coffee with a different beverage.

Arnot Said: It is a natural phenol that occurs in the stems and leaves of the coffee plant. The highest concentration of art said occurs in the Arabica bean. It has been found to be effective in treating constipation. This means that a cup of coffee with a high-phenol coffee blend will not only feel good, it will also do the job.

Water: Although, many experts will tell you that water is the best way to quench your thirst, a cup of coffee cleanse will have the same effect. If you are thirsty, you probably are not hungry. However, if you are hungry you need water to quench your thirst. Therefore, by taking a cup of coffee cleanse, you are quenching your thirst and cleansing your system at the same time.

Sugar: Although, sugar is another important calorie, it aids digestion and metabolism. Thus, it keeps you full longer. You should try to avoid sweets because they contain artificial sweeteners, which increases calorie consumption. Instead, drink freshly extracted fruit juices like orange or grape to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Caffeine: There is a myth out there that caffeine can give you extra energy, but it does the opposite. Caffeine can stimulate your central nervous system. This causes your heart rate to quicken. The problem is that caffeine increases your heart rate and it does so in a very short time. Therefore, if you want to lose weight fast, avoid caffeinated drinks and stick to decaffeinated ones.

Deodorants: Deodorants come in many forms. They come in the form of powders, liquids, lotions, and sprays. Deodorants are designed to mask body odor. Therefore, they are not weight loss tools but they are good for keeping you smelling fresh throughout the day.

Coffee Beans: Drinking coffee is healthy. However, you do not need to consume large amounts of coffee beans. Simply add some hot water to your favorite coffee and enjoy a glass of coffee. Drinking coffee beans is a big no-no because coffee beans contain a lot of caffeine. Consuming too much caffeine, especially in excess, can have bad side effects like irregular heartbeats, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, and others.

Chocolate: Chocolate is delicious and contains many valuable nutrients. However, excessive intake of chocolate can have adverse effects on the body. Consume a small amount of chocolate and leave it out for a few hours. Immediately after eating, drink more water to remove the excess sugar from the body and replenish the nutrients depleted by the chocolate.

These are just a few of the possible reasons why coffee is beneficial to losing weight. It all depends on how much you want to try it out. In any case, do not overlook this healthy alternative. You might be surprised to find out that drinking a cup or two of coffee a day actually helps you shed off a few unwanted pounds.
