Breastfeeding - Does It Help You Lose Weight?

Does breastfeeding help you lose weight? It may seem impossible to believe, but breastfeeding does in fact make you shed pounds. Of course, the amount and timing of your breastfeeding will affect how much weight you lose. But for breastfeeding babies who were weaned at just the right time, breastfeeding can actually help them maintain their weight. There are different reasons why this happens, but a major one is that the mother is providing her newborn baby with all the nutrients that he or she needs in order to grow strong and healthy.

The specific components of breastmilk that have been proven to do this are fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. When babies are nursing, these three main components combine to create lactic acid, which helps to break down digested food (which is the major source of calories in human milk). When babies nurse, the milk that flows out of their mouths contains more milk than the mother could ever produce on her own. Therefore, even though she is not producing any juices from her breasts, her body is still working to digest the food and create acids that will help break it down.

Babies also receive plenty of nutrients from their mother's milk that cannot be replaced by any type of dietary supplement. These natural elements work with the baby's own body to help him or her grow and develop healthily. This is the main reason that weight loss supplements are not recommended for babies as they are not getting the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in their daily diet.

In addition to weight loss, breastfeeding also helps babies to become more secure and comfortable. They become less fussy and cranky because they are receiving the necessary nutrients to stay healthy. They also get the necessary amount of sleep pattern alteration. This helps them to grow at a normal rate and in a stable fashion. Many parents realize that if a baby sleeps through the night and wakes up feeling rested, then he or she is much less likely to pick up on bad behaviors and do things that may be considered dangerous to his or her health.

For some women, breastfeeding their babies has even led to better mental health and wellness. It has been reported that many mothers who breastfeed have a better mental outlook and overall disposition than those that do not. They are also less stressed and less depressed, which is very helpful for their emotional well being. Some women have found that the physical benefits of breastfeeding their child has been greatly beneficial too.

One of the important factors about breastfeeding is that it can significantly reduce the risk of serious illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Studies have shown that women who breastfeed for at least six months have a much lower instance of obesity. Those that breastfeeding for longer have a much lower chance of developing diabetes. Their babies may also be protected against conditions such as osteoporosis. The longer a mother nurses her baby, the more milk may be produced.

Another reason why breastfeeding may help you lose weight is that a mother's hormones may become more balanced as she nurses her baby. This can make a woman feel full more easily and may make it easier to lose weight when the baby stops eating solid food. As an added benefit, breast milk may contain many nutrients that help a person maintain a healthy body weight. These nutrients may help fight hunger when a person is hungry, meaning that the mother may eat less when she is nursing her baby.

As with most things in life, research is still ongoing. More studies are being conducted daily. Many mothers are very eager to find out the truth about breastfeeding and its impact on their own health and the health of their babies. Some mothers have expressed concerns that if they stop breastfeeding, there could be a negative impact on their child. This is yet to be confirmed and there is currently no known link between breastfeeding and obesity. If a mother should choose to breastfeed her child, she may want to discuss this decision with her doctor first.
