Does Breastfeeding Help You Lose Weight?

One of the most common questions mothers ask is, "Does breastfeeding really help you lose weight?". Although breastfeeding has been proven to be beneficial to mother and baby, it is not a sure fire way to shed unwanted pounds. In fact, there are many health risks involved, which may make breastfeeding an unwise decision for some. Before you make the decision to breastfeed your child, it's important to consider all of your options.

First of all, you should realize that breastfeeding does not provide enough calories and protein for your infant. In fact, many experts recommend one or two months of feeding to babies to get their bodies used to nursing, but many infants don't nurse for this long. As a result, the infant gets little or no nutrition at all. You can read more about this problem in Breastfeeding Your Child: A Guide to Effective Infant Feeding.

Another thing you have to think about is how breastfeeding may affect your baby's growth. For the first few months, breast milk may help with weight loss. Breastfeeding also plays a vital role in the development of the baby's brain and helps develop the lungs as well. But after the first six months, breastfeeding may not be as helpful. Babies get only half the nourishment that they would get from formula.

Mothers often ask if breast milk or formula is better for them. The answer depends on many factors. First of all, not all women are the same, so what works for one mother may not work for another. Also, when it comes to weight loss, most experts advise taking a supplement to complement breastfeeding, especially if the infant is below six months old.

In addition, you have to consider how long you breastfeed. Breastfeeding for several months may be very beneficial. It not only helps you meet the nutritional needs of your baby but also offers you a sense of relaxation and comfort. You are able to provide your infant with the kind of care that no bottle can provide. However, if you choose to breastfeed for longer periods, there are some things you need to take into account. Here are some breastfeeding help tips that will make breastfeeding more effective and beneficial for you and your baby:

First and foremost, be sure that you are feeding your baby with a sufficient amount of milk at every feeding. Talk to your doctor about the best time for you to start breastfeeding so that you are able to breastfeed for at least six months. If you have had a caesarean delivery, wait until after the baby has recovered completely before starting to breastfeed. Your recovery period will depend on the medical complication of your delivery. Also, avoid breastfeeding if you are taking certain medications like birth control pills, cancer drugs, estrogen replacement therapy, and those with glucose-like effects on the body such as diabetes.

Babies usually get very hungry after eating so it may be difficult to nurse if your breasts are full. If this is the case, you should alternate between solids (like yogurt) and expressing milk. You may also try expressing milk using an express system. When you do this, make sure you use the right amount of milk so you won't put too much in. It is also recommended that you keep a food diary so you can record what foods you are consuming, their nutritional content, and the effects on your nipples.

In addition to drinking plenty of water, which is said to help suppress hunger, you should also take some herbal tea supplements. These herbal teas contain lactase, which can help in breaking down the lactose so you won't get too hungry while breastfeeding. Some mothers also swear by making soy milk with a tablespoon of arrowroot powder and adding a little honey for taste.
