How Does Coffee Help You Lose Weight?

There has been a lot of talk in recent years about the effects of coffee on weight loss. Does coffee really help you lose weight? Some say yes, others say no, and still others have no idea what they're talking about. The fact is that coffee can be helpful to a person's weight loss efforts. However, you should be careful about the amount of coffee you drink and the amount of coffee that you take in.

One of the properties of caffeine is that it contains a chemical known as caffeine acid. This chemical has been shown to cause a rise in your body's blood pressure. When your blood pressure rises, your metabolic rate also rises. This increase in your metabolic rate results in the flushing of toxins from your body. Caffeine is one of the chemicals that results from a high-phenol coffee bean.

Another chemical that is contained in coffee is amines. Amines are another type of acid. One of the functions of amines is to prevent the breakdown of fats. Amines are contained in many foods such as wheat and other whole grains. However, they are not found in abundance in coffee. The beans that contain the highest levels of amines are Arabica, and the arnot mentioned above.

A third chemical that is found in coffee is Phenol. Phenol is another name for acetycholine, which is one of the neurotransmitters in your body. Your nervous system receives chemical signals from your brain and your muscles, and each of these messages is then relayed to specific parts of your nervous system. One of the important jobs of these neurotransmitters is to regulate the heart rate. If your heart rate is running too fast, or if your muscles are too large for your body, it is because your Phenols have been depleted.

So, what does all of this mean to you? If you want to lose weight, a good way to do it is to find a high-phenol coffee cleanse. This means that you will need to eliminate caffeine and other additives. Also, be sure to drink your cups of coffee cold.

An alternative would be to drink a cup of plain non-pasteurized high-phenol coffee, and add a tablespoon of low-fat Greek yogurt to it. Leave the yogurt out for at least 30 minutes to allow the yogurt to soak up all of the phenols in the coffee, as well as the front. Then drink the cup of coffee and enjoy! Be sure to drink the whole cup without taking a break. The last thing you want is to throw the yogurt away after about a minute. Then, mix in the Greek yogurt and drink!

You can use the same approach for those who are trying to lose weight, but who also want to consume yogurt in addition to the coffee. Simply drink a cup of plain non-pasteurized (pro-active) coffee, and then add a tablespoon of low-fat Greek yogurt to it. Make sure to drink the entire cup of coffee, and then mix in the yogurt.

By combining these two powerful ingredients, you will likely end up with a day that includes a cup of hot tea, a delicious fruit salad, some light toast, and an iced sugar beverage - or even more! Just remember that healthy coffee does not have to be boring, and it does not have to contain sugar. Instead, choose a nice variety of flavors and fillers, so that you can customize your cup of Joe according to your taste preferences. And the great thing is, you only have to make one drink!
