How to Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism - Time-Resolved Eating & Exercise Tips to Help You Lose Fat & Build Muscle

People that have a thyroid gland that is underactive or under sensitive should first know how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is an under active thyroid that can cause a wide range of medical complications if left untreated. Hypothyroidism can affect the health of both people and animals and can be caused by an autoimmune reaction or a faulty gene that produces antibodies that attack the thyroid. It can affect men and women and can affect the body in various ways from increased appetite to depression and fatigue. While hypothyroidism is one of the many causes of weight gain, some people are at a much higher risk for weight gain due to this hormone than others.

One of the more common problems associated with hypothyroidism is joint pain. Joint pain is very common with hypothyroidism and is usually a result of the hormone draining into the blood stream and then into the joints. Some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism include joint aches, blurred vision, and problems with mobility as well as slow healing and compromised immune systems. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you may want to consult your doctor and find out what you can do to treat them and make the best of your thyroid. If left untreated there can be damage done to the cartilage and surrounding tissues, which can lead to arthritis.

One of the most popular treatments for hypothyroidism involves weight loss. Many doctors will prescribe an at home metabolic typing chart that helps people track their thyroid levels and calories throughout the day. This type of chart can also help people determine when they are feeling particularly tired, fatigued, or just not in the right shape to be active. The chart is most effective when it is used along with a healthy and time-restricted eating plan that also incorporates exercise. Many people that follow an at home metabolic typing chart report great results, but it can also be used by itself to treat hypothyroidism. In addition to a good diet and exercise routine, patients are encouraged to avoid certain foods that can cause or exacerbate their thyroid condition.

Many people suffering from hypothyroidism also have an autoimmune paleo diet. The diet consists of mostly raw and organic fruits and vegetables as well as cutting out all processed meats and dairy products. While a raw food diet can be hard to stick to at times, once you get into it the changes can be incredible. Since an autoimmune paleo approach to weight loss is all about avoiding certain inflammatory foods found in processed foods, this method of losing weight can also be helpful for those who are diagnosed with hypothyroidism and have been prescribed a treatment with drugs.

Another common symptom of hypothyroidism is joint pain. Joint pain can be attributed to many things, ranging from simple joint aches caused by excess weight to more serious conditions caused by thyroid dysfunction. For those who have had thyroid issues in the past may have begun to experience increased levels of joint pain as well as stiffness and swelling. Some cases have caused debilitating deformities to occur such as a shortened spine, brittle bones and cartilage deterioration. The symptoms of hypothyroidism that affect the joints can be treated in many ways, including pain relieving medications and the addition of supplements to help increase your body's immune system function.

Poor diet and regular lack of exercise are two other ways how to lose weight with hypothyroidism that can directly affect your health. A poor diet can lead to a decrease in digestive function, which leads to constipation, bloating and diarrhea. This can eventually lead to malnutrition and an overall decrease in your body's energy levels. While this will temporarily result in weight loss, the long term effect will be weak immune system functions that leave you prone to colds and infections as well as a weakened immune system.

In addition to poor diet, inadequate exercise levels and a sedentary lifestyle, hypothyroidism can also be caused by hormonal imbalances caused by an overactive thyroid. Hormones such as thyroxine and iodine can become deficient as a result of an underactive thyroid. When the thyroid isn't producing enough hormones, it can have a significant impact on metabolism and therefore your ability to burn calories and fat. As a result, it can increase your chances for weight gain, dehydration and stress related illnesses.

If you're wondering how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, it's important to begin treatment as soon as possible. The longer you wait to treat your hypothyroidism, the greater the likelihood that it will continue to affect your body. In addition to treatment, lifestyle changes and/or time-restricted eating plans are also often recommended in treating hypothyroidism. If you're looking to lose weight with hypothyroidism, be sure to consult with your doctor first.
