How To Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism - Get Your Thyroid Working Right Again

How to lose weight with hypothyroidism is a question many people with this condition ask. Hypothyroidism is an under active thyroid. When your thyroid does not produce an adequate amount of thyroid hormones your body will begin to slow down the metabolism. This can lead to weight gain. If you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and are looking for a way to drop the pounds, one option that may be open to you is hypothyroidism weight loss programs.

how to lose weight with hypothyroidism

One way to approach the issue of how to lose weight with hypothyroidism is to switch to an autoimmune paleo style diet. The autoimmune paleo diet is one of the leading health reports today. Its principle is based on the idea that the chronic inflammation that causes most diseases, illnesses and premature aging is caused by an exaggerated immune response within the body. When your immune system is in overdrive and produces too many inflammatory foods it can cause serious damage to healthy cells in your body. A good example of an inflammatory food is processed sugar.

The goal of the paleo or autoimmune diet is to return your body to a state where it can produce the immune response needed to avoid the chronic inflammation that causes so much disease and illness. This means following a well documented diet which excludes all processed and junk foods and emphasizes fresh whole foods. One of the keys to weight loss with hypothyroidism is to control your insulin levels. Insulin resistance has been found to be one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Therefore, when following an aIP diet your goal will be to reduce your insulin levels.

During the period of hypothyroidism, you will need to monitor the food you eat very carefully. If you are not careful you may quickly develop an unhealthy dependence on sugary processed foods which in turn cause obesity, joint pain, and other health problems. On the other hand, if you were careful with your aIP diet you would not develop these problems and weight loss with hypothyroidism can be accomplished easily.

One of the ways weight loss with hypothyroidism can be accomplished is through time-restricted eating. In time-restricted eating you will have a much healthier diet and you will also be keeping track of your food intake so that you are not developing another chronic illness due to an overactive immune system. During the weight loss phase you will probably be required to eat very cautiously. You may not be allowed to eat every two hours or you may have to severely limit yourself to only certain meals each day.

The time-restricted eating plan is quite effective because it helps to keep the underactive thyroid from getting the energy it needs to maintain its functioning. However, the time-restricted eating plan is not enough to completely cure the problem, you must supplement it with other methods of how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. That is why the next tip in the article provides an effective weight loss solution for people with hypothyroidism. It is based on natural methods that will help restore the thyroid gland's proper function and that also address other issues that are contributing to the weight gain.

One of the ways how to lose weight with hypothyroidism that addresses the issue of joint pain is by taking supplements of specific vitamins. Common vitamins used for weight loss purposes in hypothyroidism include Vitamin D, folic acid, and calcium. All of these vitamins help to promote healthy joint functioning which will in turn reduce the level of joint pain that you experience. It also promotes normal blood sugar levels and that in turn reduces the possibility of developing diabetes.

The last tip on how to lose weight with hypothyroidism involves proper diet and a regular exercise program. You must first of all start an exercise program to develop muscle strength and improve your metabolism. The goal of this program is to increase the body's ability to absorb nutrients from the food you eat. This will allow you to achieve proper thyroid function as well as an improved immune system and overall weight loss. Proper diet and exercise also allow you to keep your energy levels steady so that you won't get bored easily and that in turn will contribute to reducing stress and tension that lead to depression.
